I attended the IFBC (International Food Blogger Conference) last fall, and sat in on a plethora of interesting and valuable sessions on how to cook for, write, photograph, and market my blog or cookbook, but I found a slight gap in the itinerary. There seems to be a lot of information out there on how to conceive of and publish your work, but very little on the process that falls in between: how to create a visually appealing product. I love food as much as I do book design, so a good cookbook ... VIEW POST
“A” is for Apple
I'm taking a food writing course this fall, hoping to hone my writing skills and discover more about myself as a potential food writer. Yesterday's "Writing Prompt" (a fifteen-minute daily excercise) really hit me on who I am as a whole. The prompt is this: "Much has been made of the apple as cultural and literary symbol. Write your own apple memory-- be it the first apple pie you made, planting an apple tree (you Johnny Appleseed, you!), apple streudel, apple eaten down to the core, ... VIEW POST
Food Photography at the IFBC
So it's been about three days since I returned from the IFBC (Interntional Food Blogger Conference) in Seattle, WA. Once again, Foodista.com and Zephyr Adventures presented a well organized, fun-packed, and super tasty conference for us crazy foodies. Immediately I felt a kinship with the other bloggers. Food truly does bring people together, so we always had something to talk about. For me, photography, particularly of food, is where I am drawn first. It must be the visual part of me as a ... VIEW POST
Dust, must, ink and sweat
Relishing Caldwell's Carnegie Library I can still remember the smell of the first library I ever visited. Caldwell's Carnegie Library was built in 1913 by an undocumented architect. It's brick facade and deep portico entrance is still iconic in Caldwell, as the building sits stately on the main street that goes out of town. My sole memory of this library is the children's section in the basement. I remember making my way down the concrete steps to the outdoor, separate entrance on the ... VIEW POST
Design Love: Business Card-palooza at the IFBC
As a graphic designer, it's in my nature to be drawn to good design, and I feel that business cards can be little works of art if done right. So in addition to meeting some fabulous people at the IFBC in Portland, I also collected a slew of creative cards that I'll file away as inspiration for future designs. I especially love the ones with the photos on the back. Those may have to go up collage-style on my bulletin board in my office. Tip of the weekend: don't dismiss that badge hanging ... VIEW POST